What Are The Risks Involved With Property Investment?
What are the risks involved in property investing? Tax and stamp duty for example, they’re on the rise this year for landlords.
Maybe your thinking of selling or letting your property in Sheffield?
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Call us 0114 352 0973 or complete the form at any time of day.
At last a little help for Landlords that plan to take possession of their property.
Notice periods reduced from 6 months to 4 months
The UK Government has announced that from 1 June 2021 notice periods in England that are currently six months, will now be reduced to four months.
As part of a phased approach through Step 3 and Step 4 of the Roadmap, notice periods are being reduced, apart from the most serious cases, which remain lower:
Opportunity for resale!
With the easing of the notice period have you considered taking advantage of the rising housing market in Sheffield?
Right now presents an ideal time to get your property valued and listed for sale.
What are the risks involved in property investing? Tax and stamp duty for example, they’re on the rise this year for landlords.
Finding your next home can often be a tricky, stressful quest. The quick pace of the market, the perfect house you’ve seen already has 48 viewings on...
As more and more new build properties complete in our area, we are being contacted by landlords who have bought off plan or pre-completion.